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Research Interests

  • Team Leadership (leading self-managed teams; encouraging shared leadership in teams)

  • Positive Leadership (leader humility and inclusive leadership)

  • Leaders' Wellbeing (leadership energy)

Journal Articles

ABDC = Australian Business Dean Council journal quality list; A* = top 7% journals; FT 50 = Financial Times Top 50 Management Journals; IF = impact factor 

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Put your own “Oxygen Mask” on first: A behavioral typology of leaders’ self-care
(Human Resource Management  2024; FT50; ABDC A*; IF = 6.60)

We encourage people to be positive and supportive at work as leaders. But if we don't really talk about how they can help or protect themselves...... [read more] (open access)


Have you ever worked with a proactive leader who was always brimming with innovative ideas and eager to take on new challenges but somehow lacked the corresponding leadership competencies to put those ideas into action?... [read more]

Making friends with your colleagues might be important, but not hating your teammates could be more vital for the team's success. How could a team leader simultaneously encourage positive relationships (e.g., friendship) and prevent negative ties (e.g., hindrance ties), and eventually improve team effectiveness?...[read more]

Choosing the right people to "get on the bus" is important for securing team effectiveness. Our study shows that work teams with many humble members could effectively reduce workgroup incivility by creating a constructive humble norm....[read more]


Although shared leadership is shown to boost team performance, it might create an arena for individuals to fight against each other for claiming personal power. How could teams avoid this potential problem?...[read more]


Existing business education and training encourage employees to be “extra milers” and take informal leadership at work. As a result, companies prioritize hustle cultures such as “Rise and Grind” (e.g., Nike) and demand that their young employees become more committed to making extra contributions. However, if these informal leaders are “good eggs” in organizations—those who want to contribute more and help others—they need to be protected from being exhausted....[read more]


 Although shared leadership is shown to boost team performance, it might create an arena for individuals to fight against each other for claiming personal power. How could teams avoid this potential problem? ... [read more]


How do transformational leaders actually "transform" their teams? In this study, we argue that transformational leaders not only promote the magnitude of team learning orientation but also help to converge individuals' learning perceptions (i.e., strength). ... [read more]


Maintaining workplace diversity is an important legal and ethical issue in modern organizations. However, demographic heterogeneity might discourage shared leadership development in work teams as individuals are inherently not inclined to share leadership roles with dissimilar others.  ... [read more]

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Have you ever wondered how a humble leader can influence their followers? While we know that humble leadership is effective, we don't fully understand how it impacts the psychology of followers.... [read more]


When managers become leaders: The role of manager network centralities, social power, and followers’ perception of leadership.
(Leadership Quarterly, 2017; ABDC A*; IF = 3.31)

We explore how formal managers’ centralities in both positive and negative networks predict followers’ perceptions of their leadership. By incorporating social networks and social ledger theory with implicit leadership theories (ILTs), we hypothesize that formally assigned group leaders (managers) who have more positive advice ties and fewer negative avoidance ties are more likely to be recognized as leaders by their followers.... [read more]


Initiating and utilizing shared leadership in teams: The role of leader humility, team proactive personality, and team performance capability.
(Journal of Applied Psychology, 2016; ABDC A*; FT 50; IF = 5.85)

The purpose of this study was to gain new insights into how leader humility and team member characteristics influence shared leadership and team effectiveness. By combining social information processing theory and adaptive leadership theory, we suggest that leader humility can promote shared leadership by encouraging interactions among team members that allow them to take on leadership roles....[read more

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Political skill dimensions and transformational leadership in China. 
(Journal of Managerial Psychology, 2016; B; IF = 1.20)

This study explores the relationship between the sub-dimensions of political skill and transformational leadership, arguing that in a Chinese sample, social astuteness, networking ability, and interpersonal influence will have a stronger impact than apparent sincerity. ....[read more


​What makes leadership, leadership: Using self-expansion theory to integrate traditional and contemporary approaches. (Leadership Quarterly, 2013; A*; IF = 2.71) 

Numerous traditional theories and paradigms of leadership purport to describe what leadership is. It is difficult to reconcile these traditional approaches, however, if each one alone, independent of the others, is viewed as capturing the actual identity of leadership. In this article, we take an integrative view of traditional approaches to leadership.....[read more


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