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UG = Undergraduate; PG = Postgraduate; MBA = Master of Business Administration

University of Adelaide (2022 ~ present)

Selected Comments from Recent Students:

"Chad is very friendly approachable and runs the class in a workshop manner which encourages class participation from everyone and keeps it interesting. All information Chad presents is research-based and his passion for research shines through in his teaching. I have a great apprecation for organisational behaviour thanks to Chad." 

"Credits for Chad's teaching performance. The course was very well organised....quite amount of materials in varieties were used for different learning occasions.

  • Organisational Behaviour Doctoral Seminar


This seminar is designed to assist doctoral students in developing a comprehensive understanding of classic and contemporary research in the field of organisational behaviour. It is crucial that you read the required readings before class and spend some time contemplating the research implications of the readings, both individually and as a group. We will utilise these readings to gain a sense of the significant perspectives and approaches in the field, viewing them not merely as a set of findings to be digested or summarised. 

  • Managing Contemporary Organisations (MGMT 7087; 2022 ~ Present; EMBA)


This course exposes students to some key influences and perspectives on the management of organisations. Its focus is primarily on human issues that affect and are dealt with by managers day-to-day. The course is an extension of "Fundamentals of Leadership" and provides the background and theoretical framework for more advanced studies in business management. Some of the topics addressed may, at first, seem somewhat theoretical or even 'philosophical' in nature, but the whole course is designed to provide students with the foundation for practical action in the field.

University of South Australia, Australia (2015 ~ 2021) 

Selected Comments from Recent Students:

"Chad is a great discussion facilitator and sets clear expectations for what is required from students when learning in an external environment. A really interesting and insightful course that teaches leadership skills that managers can apply immediately. My goal was to try any apply a leadership theory with my team each week while learning from Chad and his presenters." 

"Chad always makes the class involved in order to help us learn more effectively, I enjoy the ability to balance actual theories with our personal opinions to answer questions. He ensures everyone understands the course content, and is always more than happy to help out." ~

"Chad is a great teacher, it was evident that he was passionate about what he was teaching. He often backed things up with examples which really assisted my learning and understanding of concepts. He supported everyone's learning by giving feedback and advice for assessments." ~~ from a undergraduate student

  • Leadership for Grwoth (BUSS 5438; 2020 ~ 2021; MBA)


The aim is to provide students with a balance of theory and practical examples around leadership, and the dilemmas one is likely to face around leadership and growth. The course will aid students in developing an understanding of the nature and significance of leadership and how one can lead for growth across many different environments and contexts. The course will enable students to appreciate the value of understanding the complex inter-relationships between leadership, management, and growth strategies.

  • Organisational Leadership (BUSS 3050; 2017~ 2021; UG & UniSA Online)


This course is designed to help you understand organisational leadership from a scientific approach and to break those "myths". In general, leadership is defined as “a process where a leader influences followers to achieve a collective outcome”. Questions that researchers have sought to answer include “what makes leaders?”, “how to influence others to pursue the collective goal?”, and “how to measure leadership success?”.

  • Foundations of HRM (BUSS 2043; 2016 ~ 2019; UG)


This course is designed to assist you to develop (i) foundation knowledge across the scope of Human Resource Management (HRM), (ii) an understanding of the context in which HRM practice occurs, and (iii) skills in Human Resource (HR) problem solving. No matter which discipline you work in; finance, marketing, engineering, production, or human resources, you will have to deal with the human side of the enterprise if you manage employees. Thus this course is designed for any practitioner who has to manage people at work. As employees within diverse organisations, we come into contact with HR policies and procedures throughout our work lives. This course will also provide you with greater understanding of HR processes that you encounter as employees.

  • Research for Business Decision Making (BUSS 5397; 2016; PG)


Every business organisation needs to incorporate some research activity in order to understand the current trends and respond effectively and efficiently to the changing global environment. Research can also be used to assess issues internal to organisations e.g. employee engagement, customer satisfaction. This course is designed to give you an opportunity to learn the nature of research, practice appropriate ways of conducting research and learn how to use research in business decision making. This is a fundamental activity for successful business operations. At the completion of the course, you will have developed your research skills to investigate internal and external issues relevant to a business. As professionals in your respective disciplines, you will also be able to identify, analyse and evaluate relevant issues addressed in industry and/or government research reports, consultant proposals and reports and academic journal articles. These skills are useful for both your work and study.


University at Buffalo, SUNY, USA (2011 ~ 2015) 

Selected Student Comments:

“He loves his job and he knows a lot about OB and HRM! As an HRM student he really made me excited to learn and understand the importance of OB theories and skills to have for the future. Chiu is really good at presenting information and theories. I like how he gives lecture and then we discuss the theories and we are tested on them.” 

“He is one of the best professors I ever had. He always tries to make the class more interesting and fun. He shows the video clips that are related to the materials. This really helps a lot. He also tries to give a lot of feedback to students”

“What more could anyone ask from him? I felt that he did substantially better than many of the other instructors I’ve had at UB, despite the fact that he is still building up his experience. I would say to keep doing whatever he is doing and attempt to build further on his video examples. They are useful and seem to strike a cord with other classmates if they have difficulty understanding something.”

  • Organizational Behavior (MGB 301; 2012 - 2015; UG)


This course addresses human behavior as it occurs in organizations.  We will cover topics that are directly related to organizational policies as well as the individuals they affect.  We also cover a lot of materials over the semester; therefore it is imperative that you keep up with your assignments to be successful in this course.

  • Human Resource Management (MGI 301; 2011 - 2015; UG)


This course addresses the role of HR professionals in organizations.  We will cover topics that are directly related to organizational policies as well as the individuals they affect.  We also cover a lot of materials over the semester; therefore it is imperative that you keep up with your assignments to be successful in this course.


© 2021 by Chad Chiu

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